a knockback….

I just heard back from the school I had an interview with last week regarding working in their deaf facility. I missed out on the job. I kind of expected this so I’m a little disappointed but at least it was only going to be an extra job. The extra money would have been fantastic, but at least now I’ll be able to focus better on my last month and a bit of study.

back to the essay once more!

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Procrastination time again

*sigh* why is it that I only ever really update this when I am procrastinating? It will be interesting to see how much I update it when I finish studying! Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain it a bit better than what I’m doing now. Another reason I’m not updating much is that I quite often feel like I don’t have much (if anything) to write!! Although….I am sure there is plenty…. work @ 2 jobs, uni, free time, trip to sydney etc…it’s all just another excuse! I’m also behind in keeping in touch with people through email – no idea why. I’m not usually on my computer a lot so that could be one reason.

It’s a beautiful sunny day here, and i’m inside writing my essay – what fun! I was sitting in the sun earlier today and doing some work….i really do enjoy my sunshine – it’s just bad luck that my little courtyard is now covered in shade otherwise I might still be out there!

3 days until my birthday and I still haven’t really decided what I will be doing to celebrate it. I really should work that out tonight (after I’ve handed in my essay!) and email people to let them know! I think this has been the most indecisive I have been….I really need to make more of an effort to catch up with people. There’s so many that I haven’t seen for age, but at times it feels like it’s just me doing the reaching out all the time, and I get tired of that pretty quickly….

anyway…………back to this darn essay! But at least I have some good music to keep my company. I’ve got the soundtracks to “Rent” and “The Last 5 years” playing on my computer. Suprisingly, I am getting a fair bit of work done while singing along!

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