At last, I’ve finally finished studying for the year and it feels great! I really felt the weight lift off my shoulders at lunchtime on Wednesday as I printed off my final report.

So now…I’ve been cleaning up my house. I started with the lounge room last night and today and it’s looking great! I haven’t seen this much space for ages! I was even able to vacuum too! With the exception of the newspapers I still have to sort through, there is no clutter. YAY!

Now I just need to finish the rest of the house! That will take some time. Especially the spare room as I have heaps of filing to do, and there is so much junk in the wardrobe! Will be nice to have that room clutter free too!

I’ve followed Richard’s lead and was procrastinating earlier this week and have made myself an online list! It can be found at  http://www.43things.com/person/flowerklj (Sorry it’s not a link….I”m not sure how to make one! Guess I’ll have to get Rich to teach me!) There are some things on there that are long term, and some that aren’t so long term. Just a bit of mindless fun but I’m a list person so it’s good to have everything ‘written down’ somewhere!

Anyway, now I’m off to wash the dishes and finish tidying up the kitchen before Richard gets here! It’s so nice to be able to enjoy all the sunshine! YAY!!!!

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Cold weather go away….come back again…..NEXT YEAR!!

“Snow is forecast for parts of Victoria on Wednesday, just about two weeks out from the official start of summer.

The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting that snow could fall in Ballarat, Mt Macedon, the Grampians, the Dandenongs and the Alpine region.”

Yep…I think the above lines regarding this weeks weather say it all. It’s COLD…Too bloody cold for this time of year. I should be breaking out the skirts and singlets and shorts and t-shirts……not still roaming around the house with woolen skivvies, jumpers, pants and my ever faithful moccies! *sheesh* what’s going on??

In other news…not a lot is happening… I should be on holidays and enjoying my freedom, but in my usual Kel style I’ve managed to procrastinate and drag out my study. I can’t stand how I continually do this to myself. I have a report and an essay left so this weekend I’ll be free!!!! *sigh* then I can clean my house and stuff and reply to emails….cos I’ve been so bad at that and that’s another thing that’s been annoying me.

Anyway….back to work for this procrastinating Kel!

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