what an engaging time!

Deary me……people must get a little bored in the winter time….In there last week there have been two engagements of people close to me. One was my Leah, best friend from high school who got engaged last Friday and the other was my 19 year old cousin Sarah who got engaged today!

I was talking to Richard about it on msn and here’s a snippet of the conversation:

Kel says:
NOW i’m feeling left out!
Kel says:
two engagements in 1 week now
Kel says:
don’t things come in 3s?
Kel says:
*hint hint*

Richard says:
Richard says:
well, deal with it!
Richard says:
you said you didn’t want a long engagement, anyway
Kel says:
ha! so you mean if i did, you’d ask soonish?
Richard says:
if WE did, i might ask soonish….
Richard says:
but WE don’t….
Richard says:
so WE won’t get engaged…

Well, I found it amusing anyway!

Leah and Anton were up in the Grampians last week having a picnic tea when Anton asked as Leah choked on the last mouthful of her burger. I’m gonna be a bridesmaid! First time ever so that’ll be fun. At this stage the wedding will be in March or October next year.
With Sarah, Adam just threw her the ring and said ‘here ya are’. Which is apparently the same as what Sparky (sarah’s dad) did when he proposed! And when Sarah ‘s mum came over for tea, sarah said something like ‘have a look at this’ and her mum was like ‘are you SERIOUS?’ To tell everyone Sarah sent a text message saying “he’s finally done it” which of course got the whole family talking and wondering if we were thinking correctly about what she meant! No idea when the wedding will be yet….but probably not for a little while.

So it looks like wedding season will continue for a little while….so far I’ve been to 4 weddings this year and there’s been 2 engagements. How many more before the year is out?

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and still….MORE procrastination!

Assignment count: 4 to go! 3 essays and 1 bunch of DSO postings

I feel like this is all never going to end! Study sucks dammit. Particularly when you have a work ethic like mine – very slack and crappy. I should be on holidays now but instead i’m about to return to full time work tomorrow and still have my many assignments to finish. No idea how i’ll get them done during the week….I’m out Wed, Thurs and Fri nights! Plus probably most of Saturday too no doubt. *sigh* it’s just never ending! Damn the social life for picking up again!

The photos you can see down the right hand side of the page were taken last weekend at the wedding of 2 good friends of mine – Naomi and Brad. It was such a nice wedding…..and the reception wasn’t bad either. Apart from the minor detail of the resturant changing hands during the week. Unfortunately this meant the service wasn’t the greatest….and after arriving at 2pm, we only received our entree at 3:30!! So yeah….that made for a very looong afternoon. Nomes looked absolutely gorgeous and I know that when it comes to my wedding day (however many years away it is) I’m going to be an emotional wreck! I’ll need to hide tissues in my dress somewhere! Out of the 4 weddings Rich and I have been to this year, this is the one I was the most emotional about and I think that was because Brad and Nomes are two very dear friends of mine and it was just lovely to see them get married! They are an absolutely wonderful couple and were even smoochier than normal on their wedding day! So with the more weddings Richard and I go to, the more ideas we get of what we do (or more importantly DON’T) want for our wedding. So who know, by the time it comes for the question to be popped, it could be all sorted! 😉 hehehe.

Anyway, enough blabbing on. I’m going to do some more reading on Shrek (yup, one of my final essays is on the movie! YAY for children’s literature!) and then I’m going to bed! I’m pretty sure my body isn’t going to like the 7:15am alarm!

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