so many thoughts……

I really should be studying at the moment but I’ve had enough! By next Friday I *should* be all done but knowing me, I probably won’t! I have an essay that was due on Monday (shhh!) that I’m still struggling with, and then next Friday I have an exam and a report due – both for the same subject. So, theoretically it should get easier if I can do this essay but it’s just so complicated! To be honest, I’m not really sure how I’m going to do in that subject. I really need to do a decent job in this essay so I can pass. Not the greatest feeling in the world to be having! I am so good at distracting myself these days that it is just not funny! Really annoying in fact – knowing that I have so little work to do until I’m on holidays, and even then I still can’t apply myself!

I’m also househunting at the moment for another place to rent as the place I’m in at the moment – while it’s awesome, it is just waaaay too expensive for a student. Serves me right for renting a place when I started working based on my budget then! It gets kind of disheartening at times to be continually looking at places on the net, then ringing the real estate agent to find out that the house* is no longer available. (*Please note that when i say house, I am usually referring to a unit or flat – it’s all the same to me!) So I’ve been procrastinating with looking for places which only results in me being MORE unenthused to do any further study! Horrible cycle it is!

In my procrastination and cleaning up yesterday, I was looking at the education section of the jobs that were in The Age on Saturday when I came across some jobs that really sounded like something I could do….IN THE FUTURE! So not a real help now….dammit! Then when I got back to my computer, my procrastination continued with me looking at the Education Dept website and the online recruitment section. That’s when I found a job that I could do NOW! So I’m kind of thinking about that and trying to work out what I want to do. I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end!

But I just soo want to be done with study so that I can have a life again! One that is not consumed by study all the time! I also need to clean out my place – not just because I’m moving but because I’m starting to accumulate so much junk! And I’ve only been here for 2 years!

*sigh* so much to do….so little time…… But the weather is getting warmer now, and we’re on daylight savings time and it makes all the difference! 🙂

And don’t you just hate it when you’re waiting for an email and it never seems to come?? So annoying! And it doesn’t help that I’m impatient either!!

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in shock….

When I arrived home there was a letter from Deakin (my uni) in the mailbox. Nothing unusual as they seem to like to send letters out about anything – I’ve even received a letter regarding the Deakin Toolkit (computer programs etc) for 2007 telling me when it is available! Can I finish this semester yet?!? Sheesh!

So anyway, as some of you may know, I’m doing a Bachelor of Arts – majoring in Linguistics. The letter I received today was notifying me that the Arts department “has reviewed its linguistics offerings and decided to discontinue the linguistics major sequence from the end of 2007”. WHAT THE?!?!??! Luckily (assuming I pass all subjects this semester) I will complete my linguistics major this year but tis a major shock though. Next year only 4 linguistics subjects will be offered and they have provided alternative units to make up the required level 3 credit points but none of the units are particularly exciting! Looking at the 2007 handbook though (listing all the units available throughout the various uni faculties) it lists for all of the linguistic units that 2007 is the final year of offer. So what’s going to happen to the Linguistics department? Not offering linguistics as a major sequence is one thing but not offering ANY lingustic subjects at all is just nuts! I know the health of the lecturers this semester hasn’t been great but this is just NUTS!!! Will have to quiz my lecturers on Thursday about it all.

On a happier note…..Strawberry Tim Tams……yum!

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